

What is spirituality?

Silhouette of a person standing against beautiful pink, purple and yellow sunset with arms reaching up towards sky.

Most people have tended to link spirituality with religious beliefs or religion in general. What I want to suggest is that spirituality is an essential process for all human beings regardless of their belief system. There are many famous Atheist who talk about the value of spirituality. Spirituality us something that helps us to learn about things that helps us to grow that helps us to become resilient. Spirituality is about coming to understand what is essential in our lives, but we might call sacred it’s also about learning about who we are as individuals. Spirituality helps us to take a deep dive into ourselves to look at who we are, and what we want to be or do with our lives. Spirituality Is also on going. Is it something that we look at throughout our entire lives. In this sense spirituality is about self-awareness, helping ourselves figure out what gives us a sense of meaning, purpose and most importantly hope, in our lives. That may come from our relationship with our god, Higher Power, the divine, the natural world, our family, and possibly our friends and our work. Spirituality is also about trying to understand what we believe. For example trying to understand our personal morality and our values can be extremely important. Sometimes our morality and our beliefs are different from our families and our culture or our religion. And sometimes it can be difficult to acknowledge that our beliefs are different. But it can also be very freeing to identify beliefs that are our own. Working with a skilled spiritual care therapist can help you with gaining greater self awareness.